Saturday, October 31, 2009

SleepOverrr at dayana house... =D

Hyee thereee,,,
now im on9 at dayana hause..
im sleepover at her house..
last nite..
we studying ADD MATH..
wowww,, im good rite??
hahaaa.. (ok,, annoying) =p
we study until 3 am..
it cool to learn add math wit her..
it make me feel more understand how to do add math..
i feel great.. =D hahaa..
btw,, i can stay long to type any of it now..
bcoz i need to go study back wit them..
byee byeee... =D

p/s : da pic is one of da thing dat i study there.. haha..

Friday, October 30, 2009


Today aq kuar pegi s.p. dgn Dur, Alia, Zati, Mel, Muiz ++ Aq..
best ohh.. hahaa..
bnyk bende aq tgk arini..
lifestile org,, couple attitude,, (nope2.. not korng k)
ade lahh org yg aq tgk td time kt s.p..
haha.. mcm2 lg lahh..
x sempat ohh nk tulis mlm nihh..
laen zaman je lahh aq tulis..
if aq free lahhh enn.. =)
btw,, conclusion nya.. BEST kott.. =)
lg 1,, aq tgk citer "janiffer body's"
betol ke aq eja?? mampos lahh.. hahahaa..
Megan Foxx belakon..=)
hahaaa.. hot lahh konon enn.. heeee... =B
k,lahh.. aq nk chow pegi umah Dayana nk sleepover..
study ADD MATH tuhh.. ahahaa..
baik kan aq..??
aq mesti jd kesaygn Pn. Lee Hui Hui..
heeeheee... =B
*p/s : time kt s.p. tuu aq teringt kt A... jee.. adoii.. heehee.. =)
i baik tau ingt kt u.. cme x text jee.. =P

Monday, October 26, 2009

Avenged Sevenfold - Dear God

A lonely road, crossed another cold state line
Miles away from those I love purpose hard to find
While I recall all the words you spoke to me
Can't help but wish that I was there
Back where I'd love to be, oh yeah

Dear God the only thing I ask of you is
to hold her when I'm not around,
when I'm much too far away
We all need that person who can be true to you
But I left her when I found her
And now I wish I'd stayed
'Cause I'm lonely and I'm tired
I'm missing you again oh no
Once again

There's nothing here for me on this barren road
There's no one here while the city
and all the shops are closed
Can't help but think of the times I've had with you
Pictures and some memories will have to help me through,
oh yeah

Dear God the only thing I ask of you is
to hold her when I'm not around,
when I'm much too far away
We all need that person who can be true to you
I left her when I found her
And now I wish I'd stayed
'Cause I'm lonely and I'm tired
I'm missing you again oh no
Once again

Some search, never finding a way
Before long, they waste away
I found you, something told me to stay
I gave in, to selfish ways
And how I miss someone to hold
when hope begins to fade...

A lonely road, crossed another cold state line
Miles away from those I love purpose hard to find

Dear God the only thing I ask of you is
to hold her when I'm not around,
when I'm much too far away
We all need the person who can be true to you
I left her when I found her
And now I wish I'd stayed
'Cause I'm lonely and I'm tired
I'm missing you again oh no
Once again

*It remind me of my mom.. ='( Missing her alot..

Heroes of Our Time..


Drummer.. XD wink*

bru lepas tgk blog fara.. hee..

terjumpa binatang nihh.. best kott.. =)

mybe not da best but i like.. hahahaa

Sijil Paling Mudah... SPM

Arghhh,, STUDY..!! STUDY..!! STUDY..!!
SPM only in a few coner.. so sad i didnt ready yet..
i hate when i need to think about it..
it make me stress n dizzy.. (6_9)
lately,, my parent push me to study..
i cant study when there is somone push me up..
i want sombody be beside me n help me get trough of it..
like my mama do.. =) missing her alot..
wishing her happy ever after.. =)
im tired.. nitee..

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Try Dis DUDE.. =D




**DONT YOU EVER LIE (You'll will kick yourself later) I was a little skeptical trying this, tapi kalau korang follow instructions tuh betul-betul, you'll be surprised(!)

All of my answers were accurate.. We'll see tomorrow if the wish comes true.. I'll let you know.. Take 3 minutes and try this.. it will freak you out! The person who sent it to me said her wish came true 10 minutes after they read the mail.. BUT NO CHEATING! This game has a surprising outcome..

Don't read ahead... just do it in order!
It takes about three minutes.. it's worth if you try :)

**first amik pen ngan kertas. Kalau korang pilih name somebody, make sure orang tuh mmg wujud & korang kenal .gunakan instinct korang yg pertama okayy ? :)

Scroll down one line at a time. and don't read ahead or you'll ruin it!

1. First,tulis nombor 1 sampai 11 dalam satu kolum...(berturutan ke bawah @ vertically).

2. Then, sebelah nombor 1 and 2, tuliskan dua nombor yg korang nak..apa2 nombor la...

3. sebelah nombor 3 and 7,tuliskan name org yg berlainan jantina dgn korang.jgn lak tulis name yg same. gunakan gerak ati korang...


4. tulisla name sesape(like friends or family.)kat nombor 4, 5 and 6.

5. Write down empat tajuk lagu kat nombor 8,9,10, and 11.


6. Finally, make a wish.

And now the key for the game.....

1. korang mesti bgtau seramai(jawapan utk no. 2) org pasal game nih...

2. Name orang kat space 3 is the one that you love.

3. The person in 7 is the one korang suke but can't work out.

4. Korang paling care kat orang yg korang letak kat no. 4.

5. The person you name in number 5 adalah orang yg kenal korang very well.

6. The person you name in 6 is your lucky star.

7. The song in 8 is the song that matches with the person in number 3.

8. The title in 9 is the song for the person in 7.

9. Jawapan no. 10 adalah lagu that tells you most about YOUR mind.

10. and 11 is the song telling you how you feel about life

Almost Give Up Wit You.. ='(

Hyee there,,
wanna say dat,,
Im tired n almost giving up wit u..
I hate when u silent..
why did u cntct me??
its not such a big deal if u lost ur phone when u tell me earlier..
I try to accept ur xcuses but im still cant take it 100%..
it curious me..
I dont know why,, but I feel it dat way..
I try to change it,, but I cant..
if u hate me,, plz do tell me..
n one more,,
are u text me bcoz of wht im saying about u in my profile??
im clueless.. (?_?)


teka lahh siapa nihhhh.. =D
dia nih adik aq.. hahaha.. kecik je enn..
xde lahh,, ni my bestgirlfriend.. =D
ni time umo dia 2 taun kott..
yeke eira?? aq xingt plakk.. hahahaa..
btw,, skrng ini budak suda besar gedabak..
tp kecik dr siput.. haha kecik jee.. =D
ni gmbr skrng.. =)


Saturday, October 24, 2009

Tired Waiting of You

Im done pretending,,
Tired been waiting..
I dont wanna be rude,,
But his silent like his mute..

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Expressions Kid


Artikel diterima drpd seorang Chef International yang mengetahui banyak maklumat yang mungkin kita tidak tahu tentang bahayanya gula. Hati-hati yaww.. gula itu manis..tapi kesihatan kita habis..

Gula dan Bahayanya

Apakah sebenarnya gula?
Gula adalah makanan tanpa khasiat yang paling banyak dimakan dan memudaratkan.
Gula cuma menambah kalori dan akan disimpan sebagai lemak di dalam tubuh.
Ia tidak langsung berzat malah akan menyingkirkan zat yang sedia ada dalam tubuh.
Gula juga adalah penyebab utama kegemukkan! Adakah badan kita perlukan gula?
Tidak perlu langsung! Ini kerana tubuh kita akan menukarkan banyak sumber makanan yang lain kepada glukosa apabila badan perlukan tenaga.

Apakah kesan jika ambil gula berlebihan?
1. Melemahkan sistem imunisasi (melawan penyakit)
2. Menganggu imbangan galian dalam tubuh.
3. Menyebabkan kanak-kanak menjadi hiperaktif, gelisah dan nakal.
4. Menyebabkan kanak-kanak rasa mengantuk dan mengurangkan kecergasan
5. Menjejaskan pencapaian kanak-kanak dalam pelajaran.
6. Meningkatkan paras trigliserid
7. Melemahkan daya tahan tubuh terhadap jangkitan bakteria.
8. Merosakkan buah pinggang.
9. Mengurangkan kolesterol yang baik (HDLs).
10. Mengalakkan pertumbuhan kolesterol bahaya (LDLs).
11. Mengurangkan kromium dalam badan.
12. Mengurangkan kuprum dalam badan.
13. Menganggu serapan kalsium dan magnesium oleh sistem badan.
14. Menyebabkan kanser payu dara, kanser ovari, kanser prostat dan kanser dubur.
15. Menyebabkan kanser kolon (usus besar) dan wanita amat berisiko tinggi.
16. Faktor kepada kanser pundi hempedu.
17. Meningkatkan pasar glukosa dalam darah dengan cepat.
18. Melemahkan penglihatan.
19. Meningkatkan paras serotonin yang menyempitkan pembuluh darah.
20. Penyebab hipoglisemia.
21. Penyebab perut berasid.
22. Meningkatkan paras adrenalin dikalangan kanak-kanak.
23. Meningkatkan risiko penyakit jantung koronari.
24. Mempercepat proses penuaan, kulit berkedut, uban pada rambut.
25. Membawa kepada ketagihan alkohol.
26. Merosakkan gigi.
27. Penyumbang utama kegemukkan.
28. Meningkatkan risiko penyakit Crohn dan kolitis berulser.
29. Penyebab bengkak saluran usus dikalangan pesakit gastrik.
30. Penyebab artritis.
31. Penyebab lelah.
32. Pembentukan batu dalam ginjal.
33. Penyebab jangkitan yis atau kandidiasis.
34. Penyebab pembentukan batu karang hempedu.
35. Penyebab sakit jantung iskemik.
36. Penyebab sakit apendiks.
37. Meransang tanda-tanda multiple sclerosis.
38. Penyebab pendarahan.
39. Penyebab Vena Varikos.
40. Meningkatkan tindak balas glukosa dan insulin kepada pengamal pil cegah hamil.
41. Penyebab sakit gusi.
42. Penyumbang kepada Osteoporosis.
43. Penyebab air liur menjadi berasid.
44. Penyebab kemerosotan sensitiviti Insulin.
45. Penyebab kemerosotan toleransi Glukosa>.
46. Mengurangkan hormon tumbesaran.
47. Meningkatkan kolesterol dalam badan.
48. Meningkatkan tekanan darah sistolik.
49. Menyebabkan struktur protein bertukar hingga menganggu serapan protein oleh tubuh.
50. Penyebab alergi terhadap makanan.
51. Penyumbang kepada sakit kencing manis.
52. Penyebab keracunan darah semasa hamil.
53. Penyebab ekzema kepada kanak-kanak.
54. Penyebab penyakit kardiovaskular.
55. Melemahkan struktur DNA.
56. Penyebab Katarak.
57. Penyebab Emfisema.
58. Penyebab arteriosclerosis.
59. Penyebab pembentukan radikal bebas dalam aliran darah.
60. Merendahkan kemampuan enzim.
61. Penyebab kehilangan keanjalan tisu serta fungsinya.
62. Penyebab sel hati terbahagi dan ini akan meningkatkan saiz hati.
63. Meningkatkan lemak dalam Hati.
64. Membesarkan saiz buah pinggang.
65. Memberikan tekanan tinggi kepada pankreas dan akan merosakkannya.
66. Meningkatkan retensi cecair dalam badan.
67. Penyebab sembelit.
68. Penyebab rabun jauh.
69. Penyebab lapisan rerambut.
70. Penyebab hipertensi.
71. Penyebab sakit kepala.
72. Menganggu kemampuan berfikir.
73. Penyebab kemurungan.
74. Meningkatkan tindak balas insulin.
75. Penyebab penapaian bakteria dalam usus.
76. Penyebab ketidak seimbangan hormon.
77. Meningkatkan risiko darah beku dalam badan.
78. Meningkatkan risiko sakit Alzheimer.

Kenapa sesetengah makanan yang senarai bahan-bahannya tiada ditulis gula tapi masih manis?Jangan terpedaya! Gula biasanya akan dinamakan dengan nama lain seperti:
Glukosa, Fruktosa, Laktosa, Maltosa, Sukrosa, Sirap Glukosa, Sirap maple, Molases, Sirap hitam, Sirap kencana, Dektrosa, Sorbitol.

Berapa banyak gula yang ada dalam makanan dan minuman?
1) Minuman bergas 500ml - 14.4 sudu teh;
2) Minuman dalam tin tanpa gas 350ml - 9.6 sudu teh;
3) Minuman coklat malt dalam tin 125ml - 5.5 sudu teh;
4) Kek buah-buahan 40g - 3.5 sudu teh;
5) Bijirin sarapan bersalu madu 220g - 10.1 sudu teh;
6) Ubat batuk botol kecil di farmasi - 15.8 sudu teh;
7) Aiskrim coklat sepotong saiz biasa - 7.7 sudu teh;
8) Sundae restoran makanan segera - 10.3 sudu teh;
9) Rempah ayam segera satu pek - 4.7 sudu teh;
10) Minuman berkultur satu botol kecil - 2.7 sudu teh;
11) Susu pekat manis dalam tin kecil - 35.5 sudu>> teh!

Kenapa Malaysia diletakkan sebagai pengguna terbanyak gula di dunia? Ini dikira rekod dunia! Walaupun pasukan bola sepak kita tidak berjaya,, namun kita nampaknya masih dikenali di dunia.. Negara kita adalah paling gemuk di Asia dan mempunyai pesakit Kencing Manis yang paling ramai di dunia! Bangga? Kita sebenarnya dalam diam diancam.. Lihatlah orang yang paling kaya di Malaysia! Taukeh gula! Negara kita seperti darurat apabila gula disorokkan baru-baru ini.. Jikalau di Jepun, gula kilo tiada dijual, amat sukar untuk jumpa gula. Susu pekat manis jauh sekali.. MAKA berhati-hati lahh dan sila ambil tahu tentang kesihatan diri sendiri.. Jika sakit,, bukan sahaja diri sendiri susah,, tetapi akan menyusahkan orang lain yang bergantung kepada kita.. Sekurang-kurangnya kita mulakan dengan kurangkan makan gula! Selangkah demi selangkah! Terima kasih..

"Kita adalah apa yang kita makan".

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Wanna know where does the women's money go?

what do u think?? hahahaa.. nice rite??

Sumatra's Earth Quake

( Im speechless.. )


ni smlm punye citerr.. =)
aq x taip smlm sbb penat sgt ohh..xlarat aq nk taip pape..
pg tuhh aq gerak dgn eira pegi 1901..mkn2 n lpk2 kt subng dlu..
then,, gerak pegi pavi pulak dgn feqa skali..
smpai sne,, aq jumpa dgn amir n sara.. both such a good friend..=)
kteorg jln kt dlm pavi then teman amir n sara mkn dlu bru gerak pegi rooftop..
da kte lepak rooftop,, tipu lahh xambik shisha.. hahaa
aq try juga but x de lahh suke sgt.. hahahaa bru first time kott..
best2 tp x bpe nk minat sgt lahh enn..
then agk2 da ptg tuhh,, kteorg pon berambus dr kota yg pesat tuhh..
abis ceritaa.. =D
conclusion nyaa,, Lepak mmg best.. hahaa..=D



Guy : u,, wht u gonna do if the one who u love, lie to u n leave u?? would u be sad??

Girl : if somone was live in my life,, n become part of my life n bcoz of somtin he need to go n leave me.. i wont be too sad.. accept the karma.. atleast he used to make me happy.. so i will be cool..

(hope i can do like wht the girl has said,, if i were sad)

Yahoo Messenger =D

Binatang nihh lahh yg menceriakan idup aq.. haahahaaaa...
aq skrng tgh on9 y.m. lahh ni.. tgh mengumpat dgn eira...
hahahaaa.. (tipu jee) xde keje aq nk mngumpat org..
bnyk lg topik aq nk ckp dgn gay aq sorng nihh.. hahahaa..
kteorg kalo da jmpe,, ade je nk ckp.. mmg x reti nk diam..
memekak jee.. hahahaa.. tp aq kesah ape kn?? mampos lahh..
aq xkaco idop org kott.. hahahaa.. eh2 ade lahh kaco skit2..
hahahaa.. biaselah lumrah hidup kan?? mesti ade gurau senda..
xkn nk serius 24 jam?? bosan gile hidup.. hahaha...
kalo kau xleh terima.. xpyh bace pape yg aq tulis kt blog aq nihh..
sbb nnt kau jugak sakit ati sorng2 kan??
sbb aq bkn tau pon ati kau..haha..
soo,, da conclusion nya.. jgn sibok hal org kalo xnk sakit hati..
wahahahaaa... =D byeeeee...

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Huhh.. Legaa..

Perghh... Legaa dohh after aq tulis blog kt bwh tuhh.. + after sound fadzil yg sje buat aq panas hati.. haha.. sorry lahh fadzil.. akk bkn suke2 nk marah kau tp akk da lahh tgh benggang,, pastu kau buat perangai pulak.. Haaaa,,,, mmg cantik lahh kn kne sound skali dgn akk.. sorry yaa.. akk xde niat nk mara2 kau.. akk x pena benci kau.. kau tuhh kecik lagi,, xkn kau nk pegi kedai dgn tghari bute nihh??
akk nk anta kau xnk.. akk x nk kau pegi sndri sbb risau kn kau, (wlupon mke akk kerek.. tp sbnr nye akk risau..) lg stu,, akk xnk kau beli bende bukan2.. nnt da besar,, kau phm pe akk ckp nihh.. mybe skrng kau mara kn akk.. tp xpe lahh.. kau darah muda lg kott.. biasa lahh tuhh,, mesti memberontak punya.. =) akk paham..=)


mcm P**I lahh kan.. mampos lahh aq nk ckp pe.. benggang dohh aq.. bnyk bende dlm kepale otk aq ni yg aq pendam.. smpai jd beben kt aq.. haisshhhh.... SIALL LAHHH... =( xlarat aq nk simpan.. tp pe bleh buat kn?? haishh... lg stu,, aq de bf mcm xde bf.. haha.. bodo lahh kan.. menyampahh aq.. today plakk bnyk openhouse but xleh nk pegi sbb xde transport..sume mcm siall lahh.. babi betull.. aq da mls nk blank kn perkataan mencarut tuhh.. pe nk jd, jd lahh.. kau nk ckp aq sial ke hape.. mampos kau lahh.. aq pikir nk kuar jee.. fed up dohh.. k, lahh.. chow.. =

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Heyy You.. =)

i heard my scandle wanna hv gf.. hurmm..
it is good but he didnt tell me about dat..??
im not jealous it all ok..
but im wondering who is dat girl?? (?_?)
she is cute i think.. =)
btw,, heyy dude..,,
why u didnt tell me huh??
ohh,, u shame wit me??
hahahaa.. =)
hurmm,, urmm,,
im wanna tell u dat i hv bf too..
but i didnt tell u rite.. XP
im sorry..
i didnt mean it but
i juz shy to tell u..
hahahaaa.. XP silly me..
i dont wanna make u down when i told u dat.. =)
but now,, i think u dont care rite??
i think i wanna over dis relationship..
it didnt mean dat i hate u or wtv..
but i juz wanna to be loyal to him..
n btw,,
i want to say sorry to wht had happen..
if i broke ur heart..
i really2 mean it..
dats all i wanna say..
i want u to read dis ,
bcoz i dont know who to tell u..
+ hope there is no offence..
=) tc dear.. thx 4 reading..


Hello everybody,,
Today, im gonna talk a bit or more about my father..
His is AMIRUDIN bin DARU.. (n_n)
n today my father in a good mood..=)
he chat wit me.. eventhough in a few minute.. but i dont care.. haha..
as long as he talk to me.. im HAPPY.. =D
i love him x-specially when he chat wit me.. =)
i feel like angle is talking to me.. =)
I so damn crazy rite??
Yess,, im crazy to dis guy who is my father.. =D
i feel so empty when my father didnt chat with me..
his smile, his laugh, his voice is make me VERY HAPPY.. (n_n)
it feel like the whole world is mine.. hahaa.. =)
i now im not da gradetest daughter 4 him
im sorry.. =(
but atleast i try to be.. =) heehee...
Btw,, daddy..
adik serious xleh dgr dd tegur adik..
i mean if u rise ur voice to me..
it make me feel very2 down.. ='(
dats why, if dd tegur adik,adik akn tarik muka n masuk bilik..
actually im crying.. hehe.. (t'kantoi pulak)
but but.. i love when u come to me n ask me why..
n im mad when u ignor me..
Urmm,, i dont know if u are reading my blog or not..
but dis 26/10 u will fly to do haji rite??
i hope u get haji mabrur..
n i also hope u save n face nothing bad there..
i really2 gonna miss u alot..
do remember to contact me ok..??
i dont wanna lose u..
XOXO from ur lazy daughter.. =D

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Image if u were there?? Would u laugh like dat?? =D
He is very brave kid rite??
btw,, i would like to hv dis kind off bantal pelukk.. =)
who wanna give me 1?? hahaha... =D

SHOCKING GOATs.. haha.. =D

TRIAL Result.. =(

my result suck man!!!
damn, i hate it..
im too stress to think about it..
evryday i become so dummies..
i dont wanna stress about dis,, but i cant..
there is 2 much prob to be done..
n its havy 4 me to handle it..
how i can solve the prob??
is there any solution...??

Sunday, October 11, 2009

HIM =)

Hye There,,
Im meet someone yesterday.. im Happy.. =)
Im going out wit him 4 awhile but its fun..
he is cool,, easy to talk..
he wearing white shirt.. haha..
u know im talking about u rite dear?? haha
i hate u lahh.. hahaa.. No no,, i luv u lahh.. =)
actually i dont know wat im saying.. haha..
i think mybe u tired off heard me nagging at u last nite rite??
sorry,, it juz my mouth cant stop doing it.. haha..
i luv to talk,, im kinda talkative..
but somtime if im moody i will not talk wit anyone..
accept my besttie EIRA.. =D
i dont know wat u feel when u go out with me at dat time..
mybe bored,, i think.. hurrmmm..
wat u feel dear?? its keep me wondering.. but,,
i dont wanna think anymore.. wat i know is,,
im happy now..
i know, mybe dis feeling juz 4 awhile..
bcoz one day u will leave me rite??
and it is da end of dis story 4 now..

MAMA.. im missing u.. =(

Mama,, im missing u always n always n always...
i really2 need u beside me..
there is no person in the world who can replace u..
u r the only one in my heart..
u r my love, u r my soul, u r my life..
i couldt live witout u..
butt i know dat life must be go on..
i must be strong to face da world, even though u r not here anymore..
i believe dat u always in my heart..
u always support me in no matter ways..
Mama,, please waiting me there..
i will follow u soon..
im missng u very muchh..
i know i fake being strong in front of person who said ur name..
but da truth is,, im dying..
im tired of crying,, yeahh,, im smiling.. =) but inside im dying.. =

ROAD.. =(

bodo lahh.. bengang pulak aq..
today aq de open house kt umah hana at TTDI..
aq mintak lahh ayh aq anta but dia xnk..
dia MALAS!! dia kte nnt JLN JAM LAH..
mmg lahhh JAM.. da kte pon JALAN RAYA.. adoii..
pe guna de kete kalo xgune kn?? baik x yh pakai kete..
tp bru2 ni sibek nk beli KETE BARU..
aq saran kan lahh.. BAIK X PAYAH!! bukan nk gune tlg ank2..
everyday, everyhours, everyminute, everysecond..
the answer for him to take me or send me is da same things..
bile aq nk naek taxi,, dia x bg..
xnk kuar duit.. da tu nk buat cm ne lg??
haishh.. isk..isk..='(
mmg lahh bende ni kecikk je..
tp aq bengang dgn parangai ayh aq..
dia slalu mcm tu..
kalo mintak anta or ambik aq kt mne2 mesti xblehh..
ade je ALASAN dia.. =(
tipu lahh kalo aq ckp dia x pena ambik or anta aq..
aq SANGAT BERSYUKUR kalo dia nk tlg aq..
tp aq mmg xske dia dia start buat perangai..
really2 hate it.. =(
DADDY,, adik de bende yg adik xleh lupe pasal bende ni jugakk..
One day tu,,
adik ade mintak dd ambik adik kt skola,,
adik bru balik dr klass tmbhan + penat + time tu panas terik,..,,
adik col dd, mintak ambik adik kt skolahh butt dd nk tau dd ckp pe??
ni jwpn dd 'buat pe nk ambik adik??, da lahh jauh, minyak lg..'
adim time tu TERKEJUT gile.. mmg SPEECHLESS nk mati..='(
time tu adik terpikir 'aq ni siape?? anak dia ke bukan?'='(
adik bukan suke2 balik lmbt, adik pegi kelas tmbhn utk SPM jugak..
tp bile dd da buat mcm tu,, buatkan adik lg BERTAMBAH MALAS..
Malas nk blaja, mls nk pegi klass.. sbb tu adik slalu skip klass..
adik da xde mood da nk pegi blaja..
dan sbb tu jugak lahh, adik BERFOYA2 taun ni.. haha..
To me,, it meanless to me if i get staright A1 if my parent didnt even care about my result..
aq tau yg de org xleh terima cara pandangan aq nihh..
but who cares??
aq xsuruh kau org terima pandangan aq nihh..
aq cume ckp pe yg terpendam dlm hati aq nihh..
tu je.. kalo x ske xyh bace rite??
pluss,, mampos lahh kalo korng nk ckp aq ni pikiran sempit ke hape..
as long aq happy dgn diri aq, aq ok jeee..
haha.. k, lahh.. da penat..

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Hello there..
Today i wanna talk about 'openhouse wakil rakyat' at seksyen 17.. urmm. aq xde mood lahh nk ckp b.i. guna melayu++ suda lahh ehh.. O.H. ni dia buat pd 2/10/2009 iaitu bersamaan dgn tarikh skolah aq buat sembahyg HAJAT 4 BUDAK2 EXAM PMR n SPM.. aq bukan pe,, tp ayh aq xnk pegi smbhyg hajat tu sbb nk pegi makan?? OMG, tekejut jugak aq.. sbb aq ingt dia nk cooperate dgn aq sbb aq nk exm besar.. but then bile aq pikir balik,, if bende cmni dia x kisah means if aq dpt result xbest pon dia x kisah jugak lahh kan?? haha.. kerek jee.. alahh,, tp bende betol kott.. yg paling aq x puas ati nye bile pegi sana tuhh..
Kau nak tau?? TEMPAT TU X TERATUR LANGSUNG!! Ade ke mcm tu?? sangat kelam kabut kott.. aq rimas ohh.. tempat x cukup smpi ade yg duduk bwh yg beralas kan KOTAK?? x kesian ke?? tempat tu bersepah2, + jam, + nk ambik mknan pon berebut2.. hilang terus slera aq nk mkn time tu.. aq tau baik buat o.h. bg org mkn free + mknan pon bleh tahan sedap but atleast but lah teratur.. buat bhgian mknan satu sudut,, minuman satu sudut.. bru lahh nmpk kemas skit walaupon xkemas mne.. haha.. aq rasa lahh.. mesti yb dia x pantau b4 majlis tu mula.. kalo x.. xkn jd cmtu punya.. aq bukan nk kate ape.. tp kalo y.b. buat majlis huru hara mcm ni? ape kata org yg memandang?? xke buruk nama y.b. tu sendri..?? Pasal yg ade org duk bwh tu,, pe kate imagine if y.b. yg duduk bwh b'alas kan kotak?? xke sedih gile.. xkisah lahh org tu xkish @ pe but atleast berhatio perut lahh sikit.. Tambahan lagi,, image if de penculik time tu?? da lahh mlm + kelam kabut.. aq sure punye lahh if ade ank ilanglahh,, mesti da x jumpe.. HURRMMmm.. Lastly,, sorry lahh if aq de tersinggung kan mne2 pihak but aq ckp bende yg berlaku depan DUA BIJIK MATA AQ SENDIRI.. kalo kau xnk terima, makna nya, kau sorng yg x menerima HAKIKAT,, KECUALI kau de pndangan kau sendri yg BERNAS SAHAJA!!
Now aq lega dgn pe yg aq da taep.. ok lahh.. aq nk keluar nihh.. byeee.. see u soon.. =)

Monday, October 5, 2009

No FEELings.. huhh??

Hye There,,
refer to da title,, i wanna say dat, i hv been in dat situation.. huhh,, its such a.........
Urm,, i think there is no word for me to describe da feeling..
hv u been there?? it is BLANK n EMPTY..!!
If theres been somtin happen but u cant say anything coz u didnt hv feelings..
u dont know wat to do,, do u need to laugh?? do u need to cry??
There is one day dat i has been scold my my teacher, i laugh..
people look at me with a weird faces..
it look like i do somtin bad..
the thing is, i dont understnd wat im suppose to do..
i juz same like stupid people or may be seen as crazy..(i think)
my attitude, same like evry day..
i never feel down or sad..
until my 'geek' friend asking me..
'Tasya, knp kau slalu gelak bile kne mara?
knp kau x sensitive dgn prasaan kwn kau? kau xpena rasa sedih ke?'
i say
'Aq x tau lahh.. tp yg aq tau, aq mmg nk tergelak dgn spe2 yg mara aq..
n aq xde plak rasa sedih.. n pasal sensitive,, knp aq perlu sensitive??'
then my friend ckp
'Ohh,, kesian kat kau.. aq rasa lahh,,
kau ni xde feeling ahh sbb kau sendiri x sensitive dgn kwn kau..
kau xnk tau ke? prasaan ni indah tau.. bile kau da dpt satu ari nnt..
bru kau tau langit tu de pelangi ke x..'
aq yg bengap lg banggang ni punye lahh xphm pe yg kwn aq merepek..
Then i think,, until when i want to be like dis??
so, i pray n pray n i prayer dat i will hv feeling to feel..
n now its been approve it..
i hard to learnnn dis feelin..
it suck bcoz
i hv to feel angry, sad, uncomfortable..etc..etc..
Actually it is WONDERFULL but in da same time its S**K!!
the conclusion is,,
i hv to FACE it..
Anyway,, thx guys coz reading it.. =)